Attention to community actions in the training of Biomedicals

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William Villela de Carvalho
Yasmin Salvador Martins
Paloma Luiza Duarte da Silva
Fernando de Araujo Cristovam
Anderson Fernandes de Carvalho


Traditional methodological concepts in the training of biomedical and other health professionals are obsolete in the current social conjecture. The linearity of technical activities is insufficient and prevents the inseparability between theory and practice in the social and work spheres, creating a mechanistic paradigm that overlaps the social aspects of health. Differential education in public health allows the development of a new perspective on health and disease, as it is understood that this process is collective and a consequence of biological aspects resulting from an external aggression by an unhealthy social environment. The current field research aims to demonstrate the importance of actively acting in community actions in favor of the development of public health care with technical activities for laboratory diagnosis, through statistical coproparasitological analysis and application of health and hygiene guidance measures to target audiences. same socioeconomic profile, based on educational practices that link health promotion and disease prevention actions resulting from defined periodic interventions that act in structurally different ways, optimizing the strategies used for the same purpose. Using a self-taught active methodology, strategies for preventing childhood enteroprasitosis were developed for the evaluation of biological material collection, analyzed in the laboratory by students through the techniques of Hoffman, Pons & Janner and Ritchie, concurrently with the creation of recreational activities. for health promotion, showing well-being habits with periodic supervised application, considering the observational practice of activities, for later correlation of efficiency and effectiveness of the methods used. Preventive actions were evidenced from the data obtained, in which 34.6% of the samples were positive, being 12.5% ​​infections by helminths and 87.5% by protozoa, being in accordance with the scientific literature, while the resulting perception health promotion allowed us to infer that the development of prophylactic practices exerts changes in habits when there is clear and didactic communication, properly exposed and understood, thus impacting the routine of the region's population, contributing to the construction of collaborative activities that precede the formation of behaviorally and analytically prepared individuals for the dynamism found in public health.

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How to Cite
Villela de Carvalho, W., Salvador Martins, Y., Luiza Duarte da Silva, P., de Araujo Cristovam, F., & Fernandes de Carvalho, A. (2020). Attention to community actions in the training of Biomedicals. Brazilian Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(1), 1.
Original article
Author Biography

William Villela de Carvalho

Health Sciences


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